“I’ve met him many times,” he shared. “Great guy. We get along very well. He’s very chill. Very cool. Well known guy, very excelled at what he does.”
And sure enough, just six months later, Amanza confirmed her boyfriend was sold on the idea and would be seen on the show in the future.
“He filmed a scene with me the other day via FaceTime because he is still playing football in another country,” she told E! News last September. “He’s amazing and he’s not going anywhere.”
As she noted at the time, she was more than ready to reveal her romance on television “because I’m ready to share.”
And aside from being “kind-hearted, smart, sexy” and “an amazing father,” Amanza—who is mom to daughter Noah and son Braker—adores the fact that her boyfriend is “mellow.”
“I’m bats–t crazy,” she added. “He calms me down. He balances me out. We are a perfect pair,” she said. “His mellow is perfect for my crazy.”