Liam Gallagher and longtime Stone Roses guitarist John Squire have shared the first song from their new collaborative project, with more promised this year. Listen to “Just Another Rainbow” below.
In a press release, Gallagher said, “I think John’s a top songwriter. Everyone always bangs on about him as a guitarist, but he’s a top songwriter too, man, no two ways about it as far as I’m concerned. There’s not enough of his music out there, whether it’s with the Roses or himself. It’s good to see him back writing songs and fucking good ones. The melodies are mega and then the guitars are a given. But I think even when you take all the fucking guitars off, you can play the songs all on acoustic and they’ll all still blow your mind.”
Squire added, “To me the most obvious take on ‘Just Another Rainbow’ is that it’s about disappointment, and the sentiment is that you never get what you really want,” adding that it’s “one of the most uplifting tracks we’ve made together, which is weird.”
Spawned from three songs that Squire sent Gallagher in 2022, the record came together at Squire’s studio in Macclesfield, before sessions in Los Angeles with producer and bassist Greg Kurstin and drummer Joey Waronker. Although this is Gallagher and Squire’s first single together, the guitarist joined Gallagher on stage at Knebworth Park in 2022 to do Oasis’ “Champagne Supernova.”